What is Grief and How do I Grieve?

Grief is Challenging and Where Do We Start?

Grief can be challenging and extremely overwhelming.  From my own experience with the losses in my life I felt as if my whole world came crashing down with no hope for the future.  As time passed, I was so lost in the pain and loneliness I didn’t know where to begin to put the pieces back together.  I just wanted to be free from the pain and perhaps, at best, entertain an idea of a happier future.

Through my work with The Grief Recovery Method, I discovered that my most recent significant loss also triggered every other loss I had experienced in my life.  The reason for this is grief is cumulative.  Most of us have a defensive mechanism or habits built in place to suppress painful emotions, rather than expressing them.  This is a habit that happens at a very early age, when we are told to “not feel bad” when we are facing sadness.  While that comment does not make us feel better, what we tend to do is bury those feelings of sadness so we can conform to what we are being told by people we trust to tell us how to cope with painful events.

Until we effectively address each loss, they sit, waiting inside us until yet another moment of grief hits us, and just like that the internal kettle where we have stored all this sadness is full, and it can erupt like a volcano.  We may find ourselves not only grieving the recent losses, but all of those past losses as well.   No matter which way we turn, we are surrounded by the painful memories of the current and all the past memories.

If this sounds familiar to you, don’t wait to begin your Recovery.

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