Does time heal all wounds?

Time will heal all wounds!”

We have all heard this saying. If you have grieved and used the Grief Recovery Program you know how untrue this saying is. If you are currently still grieving from something new, or something that has been attached for years, you also know how untrue this saying is.

Quite simply time does not heal all wounds. When we think of a wound we think of a cut, a break, a tear or a serious injury. In those situations what is one of the first things we do? We either get a bandaid, call the doctor, or go to the emergency room. Do you know many people that simply do not give their cut, bruise, break, or injury the proper attention and healing process that it needs? What would you think if your doctor looked at a broken arm with no x-rays taken and said to you something like: “Just give it time, time will heal that arm.”? You would think he is off his rocker. Yet this is exactly what many say to someone who is grieving.

So, what do we do when we are stressed, or when we are suffering from the pain of a broken heart? Regardless of if that pain happened 5 seconds ago, or 50 years ago. If “time heals all wounds” surely within 50 years that “wound” would be healed right? Waiting for that type of pain to heal is equal to waiting for a boat with a hole in it to float. No matter how fast you row, eventually that boat will sink. When we grieve, we must know how to properly take action to put ourselves on a path to mend that heart. Working closely with me and using The Grief Recovery Method we can work on the proper way to heal.

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