Clearing out the Junk Drawer

It is Springtime, and we all know what that means. Spring Cleaning!

Do you have one of those drawers that you shove everything into?  Now the drawer is so full that there is no room to fit even one more thing in it. The contents inside are more like 2 or 3 junk drawers worth of stuff.  You tell yourself that one day you are going to clean it out, sort through it, decide what to keep and what to throw out but you never do it. Why?  Because it is painful and hard work to go through that junk.

In life we do the same thing, we shove everything aside that we do not want to deal with in our heart. All the hurts, traumas, resentments, all the rejections. Everything you do not know how to process gets shoved away in the heart. This can show up as chronic anxiety, depression, unresolved troubled childhood, divorce, breakups, and the list goes on.

It’s Spring Cleaning time, so why not start? Now is the time to start cleaning out the heart! I want to help you do the heart work.