When Is A Good Time To Do Grief Work?

There is a common question that I hear often asked. When is a good time for me to start The Grief Recovery Method? This answer is different for everyone, it really depends on the loss that you’ve experienced and when you have the willingness to begin this recovery method. There are many messages, books, and speakers that discuss the time it takes to heal from the pain of a significant loss. Have you ever heard that it takes half the time you were with someone to get over them, or it takes X amount of time to grieve the death of a loved one? Sadly, these ideas give people a false sense of what it takes for your heart to heal. Certainly time itself does not hold the magic or powers to heal you. Time may lessen the intensity of the emotional pain, but surely time does not heal all things, as we have all heard too often.

The key to healing a broken heart is almost the exact opposite of this “advice” that we have always been told. We should not wait many years to say goodbye to pain and unfinished emotions. This doesn’t help you, or those around you. Waiting for years is too much time to sit in that crushing pain and feelings. Not to mention, over time, we all may experience even more losses and pain which means that if you don’t do the work you could end up with a whole backpack full of unresolved “issues”.

Working with me you will learn the tools to work on what is still painful and holding you back. Together we will work on the goal to softly guide you to say goodbye to that pain. All you have to do is show up and have a bit of willingness.

What is more painful than taking an honest look at your pain is allowing your emotional pain to become your new normal. Do not allow yourself to be trapped in this vicious cycle, it is time to free yourself from this pain.

Make now the time that you decide to begin your healing journey.

You can DM me right here, call, or send in a contact request at www.JenniferGriefRecovery.com – either way I hope to hear from you soon!