Do you ever stop grieving?

Have you heard the saying that you never stop grieving?

People say that grief never ends, but this well-intentioned statement keeps people trapped in their pain. We know there is a better way.  Take the courageous actions of The Grief Recovery Method and live your life to the fullest again.

I see Facebook posts, and hear from hurting people, all the time that say “you never stop grieving”.

Have you heard that statement too?

What about that “you can never get over a particular kind of loss”?

The problem with these phrases and beliefs is that they trap you. I am not saying that your life won’t be changed by a tragic, brutal, heartbreaking event, but telling people or yourself who are looking for a way out that their grief will never end keeps them and yourself a victim to pain and suffering.

Wouldn’t it be nice if grievers were given hope instead?

Here is something you don’t hear often, “if you stay a victim of your pain you’re doing a disservice to yourself, everyone around you and the person you lost”.

Here’s another thing you won’t hear often… “you can recover from heartache IF you’re willing to take courageous action!”

So, what can you do?

The Grief Recovery Method is a step-by-step process for recovering from loss. The process is accessible, and I will show you what to do each step of the way and so that you will never be left on your own.

It’s not easy to try something new, but you can do it anyway.

That’s where courage comes in. It has worked for hundreds of thousands of people, so there’s no reason that it won’t work for you too!  Plus, it’s empowering to take responsibility for how you’ll move forward in life despite the brutal things that have caused you emotional pain.

Walking through fear is a small price to pay for recovery.  Recovery means getting your quality of life back. (It does not mean that you will forget the relationship that changed or ended – that’s not possible.) Recovery means that fond memories don’t turn painful. You will trust again. You will smile again. And you will find freedom from pain.