Safe Halloween wishes!

Wishing everyone a Happy and Safe Halloween today.

Support Group Event

Do you find yourself painting on a smile or feeling completely isolated?  Maybe you lose interest in things that you used to love to do, or do you even avoid family and friends?

These are things that we do when we do not grieve properly.  I am offering an 8 session support group at the Memorial Nazareth Library located at 295 East Center Street, Nazareth PA 18064.  These sessions will be every Wednesday at 5:30pm – 7:30pm starting November 6th. The cost for this is $200 for the 8 week program.  You can message me directly, sign up for my event right here on my Facebook page, or call me directly at (484) 764-7094.

When our world gets flipped upside down, it helps to have a committed ally in your corner.  As a Certified Grief Recovery Specialist, together we will apply the Grief Recovery Method and help you through this difficult process. I look forward to working with you through this process.

suffering a loss


“You may have a broken heart, but you are not broken.”

I am here to help and I hope you take the time to reach out.

suffering a loss

Group Session at Memorial Nazareth Library

Have you been suffering lately from the loss of a love one, a life changing event, or maybe from your past?  Grieving is your answer, but are you grieving the way you should, or even allowing yourself to grieve at all?  We can dive into all of these answers very soon as I am very excited to announce a terrific opportunity for you to get an understanding of what I do and how I can help!

I will be holding an 8 session support group, located right at the Memorial Nazareth Library located at 295 East Center St.

Nazareth, PA 18064

It will begin Wednesday, November 6th at 5:30pm – 7:30pm.  The Group Session is $200 for the 8 week program, and payment options can be made available.  The seats are limited so I hope that you please contact me to confirm.  I hope you give me, and most importantly yourself the opportunity to attend these sessions.

Has your core been shaken?

When we experience something that rocks our core we don’t always deal with it like we should.  We tend to push it to the side, maybe we even attempt to power through it, or we don’t deal with it head on.  If you do not properly grieve or have the tools to do this, the majority of the time we go about adding more stress, suffering, anxiety, tension, and weight to ourselves.  All of these feelings hold us down and will only accumulate. Feelings that you carry around with you all times of the day and wherever you go. It can make day to day tasks that should be relatively easy difficult, or maybe we turn and hide or run away.  The longer you put off dealing with this the more difficult it can become.

Instead of pushing these feelings away that are holding you back and keeping you down take the first step and give me a call. Let’s work with one another and lift that weight off your shoulders.  You can live a happy and healthy life, using the tools you’ll learn that I will teach you on how to deal with the “weight” of what weighed you down.

How to move forward

Have you suffered a loss?  Are you still trying to put the pieces back together right now?  I am a certified Grief Recovery specialist. The process of grieving is not easy, but it is normal and natural.  Grief is cumulative, especially when we do not deal with it. I hope that you give me the opportunity to start the Grief Recovery Method, which is a proven program that really does work.

I look forward to hearing from you today (484) 764-7094