About my programs

In my 7 week one-on-one program, or my group 8 week program, both you and I will work together using a proven method on how to grieve. It is a method that I myself used during my personal process and now as a Certified Grief Specialist, I want to share and give you and others the opportunity to learn essential methods and skills on loss & grief. www.JenniferGriefRecovery.com

Grieving Properly

We live in such a fast paced world. Everything is at our fingertips and we sometimes have or set unrealistic expectations. In some ways it has desensitized us on how to feel or how stop and slow down. When we need to actually feel, we hear phrases such as “be strong” or “roll up your sleeves” or “time will take care of.”
This mindset may be a quick solution, or maybe it keeps us running away. Although all we are really doing is piling more on top, we are adding more to our already full plate. A plate that desperately needs to stop, breathe, feel in and feel out. A plate that needs to learn how to grieve properly.

That’s where I come in, I am a Certified Grief Recovery Specialist. Through group or one on one sessions I work with you through this process. Start today by contacting me directly or through my website www.JenniferGriefRecovery.com

Dealing with loss

The Holidays are coming up, and for many this is a time that heightens feelings.  While many of us get lost in the hustle and bustle, and others take in the holiday feel, too many of us fear and dread this time of the year.  Maybe it’s due to something we haven’t let go of in the past, or maybe it’s because this is the first holiday dealing with a loss. No matter what the circumstance, learning, and knowing how to properly grieve gives us the tools to be able to get through times like these.  Grieving is meant to be a good thing, but understanding how to properly do that is difficult. That’s where I come in, I am your personal Grief Coach that through the Grief Recovery Method, and our 1 on 1 sessions, together, we will be able to start living again!


2019 Daylight Saving Time

Remember Daylight saving time is Sunday, November 3rd at 2:00am.  We set our clocks back and gain an hour of sleep.