A different type of Holiday

Your Holidays may be very different this year. That affects us all, in many ways. In lieu of the “Holiday Spirit” I am Gifting my time. I will be Gifting Free Phone Calls to anyone who needs support during the  holiday season and how it may be affecting you.  Remember you are not alone.

Please send me a message, email, or call directly. I am truly looking forward to speaking with you.


Anger & Resentment

A Sign of Unresolved Grief

Unresolved grief leaves anger incomplete, which in-turn becomes frozen as resentment. The primary goal of effective grief recovery is to help people discover and complete what was left emotionally unfinished for them. Death, divorce, past relationships, or the end of love relationships are what keep many frozen, unfinished, or stuck from being complete.

The good news is, I can help! I hope to hear from you today to begin working on completing your unresolved grief.

Happy Veterans Day

This Veterans Day we want to thank all of those that have served our great Country!

Many of us will never know or understand the stress or the path that many of these Veterans have been through. We praise and support you for what you have done.

Grief and Awareness

Without Action There Can Be No Change!

Have you experienced the heartache of a break-up, the death of a friend, family member or pet? Have you experienced a miscarriage, loss of trust, losing a job, a child leaving home, bankruptcy, retirement or any other loss?

I understand that this is a rhetorical question as there’s a huge likelihood that you have. In fact most, if not all of us, have. Which is exactly why this is a perfect time for awareness of grief. It’s a perfect time to spread the word that everyone grieves and that grief is normal and natural and that no one should grieve alone. Did you hear that? Grief is NORMAL and NATURAL.

While there are no real stages of grief, here are common characteristics that many grievers experience. Difficulty concentrating, difficulty sleeping, changes in their eating habits, overwhelmed, stressed, and isolation just to name a few.

A huge piece of misinformation is the advice that people give about grief. Have you ever heard the myth that grief just takes time? We hear this and phrases alike in which we just simply need time to heal. Or another one that we hear when we are grieving is that you should keep busy! If you stay busy you will forget about it, which is what the concept here is. All that keeping busy does is distract grievers from their feelings. Keeping busy keeps people stuck in their pain. In my experiences in working with grievers time hasn’t healed anyone’s broken heart and staying busy has only made them stuck. Yet what has helped, is the action that someone takes during a certain time frame that helps someone be able to recover.

So it’s rather simple. What can you do? Who do you know?

Awareness is a great first step. Followed by a plan to recover. That is the part where I come in, having gone through this myself as a griever I was lost. In fact, I lost hope. I did almost everything, read all the self-help books, sat through the classes, and until I found the Grief Recovery Method, I truly believed I would have suffocated in my Grief. Going through all of it and coming through the other side to now become an Advanced Certified Grief Recovery Specialist, I too want you to experience being able to breathe again. I am committed to working with you to restore hope and life back into your every day.

I look forward to speaking with you the moment that you are ready!

Does time heal all wounds?

Time will heal all wounds!”

We have all heard this saying. If you have grieved and used the Grief Recovery Program you know how untrue this saying is. If you are currently still grieving from something new, or something that has been attached for years, you also know how untrue this saying is.

Quite simply time does not heal all wounds. When we think of a wound we think of a cut, a break, a tear or a serious injury. In those situations what is one of the first things we do? We either get a bandaid, call the doctor, or go to the emergency room. Do you know many people that simply do not give their cut, bruise, break, or injury the proper attention and healing process that it needs? What would you think if your doctor looked at a broken arm with no x-rays taken and said to you something like: “Just give it time, time will heal that arm.”? You would think he is off his rocker. Yet this is exactly what many say to someone who is grieving.

So, what do we do when we are stressed, or when we are suffering from the pain of a broken heart? Regardless of if that pain happened 5 seconds ago, or 50 years ago. If “time heals all wounds” surely within 50 years that “wound” would be healed right? Waiting for that type of pain to heal is equal to waiting for a boat with a hole in it to float. No matter how fast you row, eventually that boat will sink. When we grieve, we must know how to properly take action to put ourselves on a path to mend that heart. Working closely with me and using The Grief Recovery Method we can work on the proper way to heal.

Losing A Pet Can Be Devastating

So often pet owners suffer in silence because they have been met with unhelpful comments by well-meaning friends & family such as:

At least you can get another pet
He was only a dog/cat
Your pet’s in a better place

Until now there were very few resources on what to do when your pet died.  The problem with all those suggestions is they don’t deal with the real issue, which is emotional completion with the pet that died. This is important so that the loss doesn’t affect future relationships.

Losing your pet hurts, but people don’t normally talk about how they’re feeling because they’re afraid of being judged.

All grief is experienced at 100%.  Grief is grief no matter what the cause.

Remember you can also download our Guide to Pet Loss – https://www.griefrecoverymethod.com/pet-loss-ebook or you can purchase for your friend / family member that is grieving our Grief Recovery Handbook for Pet Loss – https://www.griefrecoverymethod.com/books/grief-recovery-handbook-pet-loss



Lost Hopes Dreams & Expectations

What could I have done differently, better, or more?
I wished I could have done or said (X).
Why couldn’t it have been me instead?
I had so many hopes, dreams & expectations about my relationship, what now?
How do I go on from here?

Losing a significant loved one to death, divorce or a romantic partnership breakup is very painful and we are often left with asking these questions. You probably had hopes, dreams and expectations about your relationship.  The most obvious is it would last forever. So many plans and dreams of things that you were going to do.  You might have expected to raise children together, travel the world together, or to always have someone by your side. Then all of a sudden those hopes and dreams are gone.

Loss hurts no matter how it happens. Don’t pretend you are okay if you aren’t. Our society taught us that the way to deal with grief is to be strong for others. What that means is you should hide your feelings. Being strong is being honest about your feelings.

The Key to Recovery is Action Not Time.  Get Started In Your Recovery.

The Grief Recovery Method can teach you new skills on how to cope with and process unmet hopes, dreams and expectations.

Tell the Truth

Tell The Truth

Have you ever said “I’m fine” when nothing could be further from the truth and you were feeling terrible? Every time we lie to others, we also lie to ourselves. Our subconscious mind hears the lie and continues to bury the feelings generated by the initial event. When we lie and say we are fine, we tell our self/subconscious that a problem doesn’t exist, so it need not search out a solution.  The subconscious will take actions based on conscious commands. The effect of this allows the cause of the problem to go unattended and rebury itself. The next time it shows up we may not be able to recognize the cause or source of the attack.

A major key to recovery is to tell the truth about how you feel and to process every feeling in the moment you have it. It does not require any special skill to tell the emotional truth about what you are feeling. For example: “How are you?” … “I’m having a rough day, thanks for asking.”

Recovery is never about forgetting

Recovery from loss is achieved by a series of small and correct choices made by the griever!

Recovery is never about forgetting. It’s about taking action to deal with all of the “unfinished business” in a relationship. It involves taking an inventory of all of the positive (and less than positive) elements of that relationship and resolving those things you might have wished had been different, better, or more. Doing this will allow you to be able to enjoy fond memories, without regrets, and to plan for the future, rather than worrying and fearing about what it will bring. www.JenniferGriefRecovery.com

Is your job stressful?

Are you in a high stress heightening job? A lot of times we do not even realize how work-related stress can trickle into our own life and affect us. I have Grief Recovery tools that can help you identify the root of what causes this. From there, by working together we can address and nurture allowing for proper and fruitful growth!

“Stress” is another word for “Grief.”

What is grief?   It’s the result of the conflicting feelings caused by the end of, or change in, a familiar pattern of behavior. More simply stated, it is the normal and natural reaction to any change that occurs in life.

Grief is a fact of life and people grieve not only death, but other factors as well. There are over 40 different life events that can create stress & grief.

Have you experienced any of these?  Chances are you may be experiencing a great amount of stress & grief as a result of the emotional and life changing effects from one or more of these events:

Death of a spouse, Divorce, Marital separation, Imprisonment, Death of a close family member, Personal injury or illness, Marriage, Dismissal from work, Marital reconciliation, Retirement, Change in health of family member, Pregnancy, Sexual difficulties, Gaining a new family member, Business readjustment, Change in financial state, Death of a close friend, Change to a different line of work, Change in frequency of arguments, Major mortgage, Foreclosure of mortgage or loan, Change in responsibilities at work, Child leaving home, Trouble with in-laws, Outstanding personal achievement, Spouse starts or stops work, Begin or end school, Change in living conditions, Revision of personal habits, Trouble with boss, Change in working hours or conditions, Change in residence, Change in schools, Change in recreation, Change in church activities, Change in social activities, Minor mortgage or loan, Change in sleeping habits, Change in number of family reunions, Change in eating habits, Vacation, Christmas, Minor violation of law.

The focus of The Grief Recovery Method is in moving beyond the emotional pain of loss. The Grief Recovery Method is a proven, step-by-step process for accomplishing this. It’s designed to help people deal not only with past and current issues regarding the stress of grief, but also to provide the tools to deal with future issues, as they develop. I hope you take a moment out of your day and reach out to me personally so we can begin this development process!