How do you feel again?

Are you robbing yourself of the ability to feel happy again?  I can help!

How do we move forward?

How do we move forward with such suffering and pain?

I am Certified Grief Specialist.  I myself, have gone through the Grief Recovery Method, so I know firsthand that it works.  I have now made it my passion to help others, like I once needed to be able to free myself from the pain and grieve properly.  By contacting me I can help with this!


What not to say to someone during a loss

These are all things that are NOT helpful to say to someone who has recently lost someone close to them.
It will be ok – I know how you feel – That person is in a better place – Time will heal you – You just need to stay busy – Be Strong – Get back up, it’s what he/she would have wanted.

What they need most is you, your time, and your friendship.  Be there for them, in every possible way. I too, will be there for them to help them grieve.


Has your world recently been turned upside down?  Or maybe it’s something in the past that we are still struggling with currently.

How we grieve is a vital part of our healing process.  Reach out to find out more about 1 on 1 sessions.

Happy New Year! Happy New You!

Happy New Year!

A new year, a new beginning, a new you.  This year concentrate on you, and focus on your mental health.  If you have been feeling powerless from the loss of a loved one, I am here to help.

Reach out today –