What holds you back from happiness?

What’s Holding You Back From Happiness?

“The Key To Recovery From Grief is Action Not Time”

Our thoughts about people, circumstances and events in our lives produce our emotional responses to them.  We have practiced our beliefs over a lifetime and we have become very loyal to them making them “Right”.

We can get stuck on our rightness and lose sight of what we are really seeking and that is to Be Happy.  Our rightness may be hindering our ability to recover from significant losses.  Many of the beliefs that we were taught about dealing with losses are incorrect and unhelpful. But after practicing them for a lifetime, they can seem to be very “Right”!

For example, we are all taught that Time Heals All Wounds.   But time does not complete anything that is emotionally incomplete in our relationship with the significant losses in our life.  If we believe with conviction that time is going to heal our emotional wounds, we are destined to wait forever.

It may be time to examine some of your beliefs about recovery from significant emotional loss.  How you cope with and process feelings caused by loss is a result of what you believe.  It’s important for you to have effective beliefs that can lead you towards Happiness, rather than Stuck In Rightness.

Take Action Now Towards Your Happiness. 84-764-7094 or www.JenniferGriefRecovery.com

Be Heard and Acknowledged

“You don’t need to be fixed or changed, you need to be heard and acknowledged.”

-Jennifer Kasander

I know this because I have experienced the emotional pain from loss and all I wanted was to be heard, not fixed.

Now I dedicate my time to helping those in situations such as mine. I have become an Advanced Certified Grief Recovery Specialist and I look forward to speaking with you. www.JenniferGriefRecovery.com


The Pain of Grief

We have all experienced many losses in our lives, some small and less significant, some large and very significant. However, we really never think about how to deal with emotion, less until we find ourselves overwhelmed with the PAIN OF GRIEF.   It is at that point we realize how few tools and skills we have to deal with that pain, and that what we learned growing up doesn’t really work.

Most of us learned how to cope with losses at a very young age with “insignificant” losses like broken toys or lost balloons.

You were probably told:
Don’t Feel Bad.”
“We’ll Get You A New One (Replace The Loss).”
Don’t Cry.”
“You Need To Be Strong.”

While accepting these suggestions may have temporarily seemed to soothe you and made it easier for others to be around you, but they never really deal with the emotional pain you are experiencing.  More often these comments encouraged you to simply bury that pain deep down inside as you go on with your life.

Now you may find yourself in an emotionally painful situation where what you have been taught on how to heal from pain is not working anymore for you.  The question is, “Where do I now turn for help?”

The Grief Recovery Method has been shown to be an “evidence based” program which can actually make a difference for those dealing with the emotional pain of loss.

Don’t wait to start your recovery!  Start Now. Call me for a free consultation.


Become Independent from your Feelings of Grief

I would like to extend my warmest wishes that you may all have a very happy and safe 4th of July this weekend.

May this holiday be a reminder that you too can become independent from your feelings of GRIEF through The Grief Recovery Method.

Don’t wait to start healing, Reach out to me now for a free 20 minute consultation. 484-764-7094 or www.JenniferGriefRecovery.com