Is your job stressful?

Are you in a high stress heightening job? A lot of times we do not even realize how work-related stress can trickle into our own life and affect us. I have Grief Recovery tools that can help you identify the root of what causes this. From there, by working together we can address and nurture allowing for proper and fruitful growth!

“Stress” is another word for “Grief.”

What is grief?   It’s the result of the conflicting feelings caused by the end of, or change in, a familiar pattern of behavior. More simply stated, it is the normal and natural reaction to any change that occurs in life.

Grief is a fact of life and people grieve not only death, but other factors as well. There are over 40 different life events that can create stress & grief.

Have you experienced any of these?  Chances are you may be experiencing a great amount of stress & grief as a result of the emotional and life changing effects from one or more of these events:

Death of a spouse, Divorce, Marital separation, Imprisonment, Death of a close family member, Personal injury or illness, Marriage, Dismissal from work, Marital reconciliation, Retirement, Change in health of family member, Pregnancy, Sexual difficulties, Gaining a new family member, Business readjustment, Change in financial state, Death of a close friend, Change to a different line of work, Change in frequency of arguments, Major mortgage, Foreclosure of mortgage or loan, Change in responsibilities at work, Child leaving home, Trouble with in-laws, Outstanding personal achievement, Spouse starts or stops work, Begin or end school, Change in living conditions, Revision of personal habits, Trouble with boss, Change in working hours or conditions, Change in residence, Change in schools, Change in recreation, Change in church activities, Change in social activities, Minor mortgage or loan, Change in sleeping habits, Change in number of family reunions, Change in eating habits, Vacation, Christmas, Minor violation of law.

The focus of The Grief Recovery Method is in moving beyond the emotional pain of loss. The Grief Recovery Method is a proven, step-by-step process for accomplishing this. It’s designed to help people deal not only with past and current issues regarding the stress of grief, but also to provide the tools to deal with future issues, as they develop. I hope you take a moment out of your day and reach out to me personally so we can begin this development process!

Grief yesteryear, today, tomorrow


A day that left a lasting imprint on the world and humankind. Suddenly one morning the world lost its sense of safety. 9/11 caused immediate grief for the families and friends that were directly affected.  Even if you did not personally know someone that was tragically lost, or anyone that lost their life trying to save them, you still probably experienced a level of grief. We all experienced a loss of safety, a loss of trust, and more importantly, a loss of innocence.

Grief is the normal and natural reaction to loss, but our socialization and what we are taught is to shy away from grief and recovery, as if talking about them would somehow make things worse. As a result, we are shocked when we don’t know how to deal with our emotional reactions to loss events. We are all affected whether we knew someone or not.  The memories of those events can trigger in us feelings about our loved ones who are no longer here. Sometimes those reminders send us forward in fear for our own safety or that of our loved ones. The events that we see and hear about in the news affect us all. These fears are planted in our minds, which then affect our emotions. If we hear about them, they will affect us.

Loss is inevitable and the grief that must accompany it. Some events have direct and immediate impact on us and those in our family or communities.  Other events are reminders of losses from our pasts. Sometimes larger than life events in the news trigger our emotions for humankind. In all cases, we must learn to deal with our feelings as they occur. Loss is constant and we need more effective ideas and actions for dealing with grief.  Starting with acquiring more awareness about reaction to loss and what to do about it. The good news is that The Grief Recovery Method is an evidence based program. Research has shown that The Grief Recovery Method is effective. It is the only Grief Support Program that has received this notoriety.

I hope you feel urged and encouraged to reach out to me today to discuss more about this program. You can call me directly at 484-764-7094.

Grief and the next steps

We all grieve, but without action there can be no change. If you’ve experienced the heartache of a break-up, the death of a friend, family member, or pet, a miscarriage, loss of trust, losing a job, a child leaving home, bankruptcy, retirement or any other loss, you have experienced grief. Grief is normal and natural but much of the advice, and what we learn, is not helpful when it comes to recovery.

Have you ever heard the myth that grief just takes time? We at The Grief Recovery Method have found in the 40+ years of helping grievers, time has not healed anyone’s broken heart. It is the action someone takes during a certain time frame that helps them recover.

Or have you heard or that you should keep busy? All that keeping busy does is distract grievers from their feelings. Keeping busy keeps people stuck in their pain.

So, what can you do?  Awareness is the first step. The Grief Recovery Method is an action-based program proven to work. I am here to help to make our community aware that grief is normal and natural and that The Grief Recovery Method heals broken hearts when someone is willing to do the work. Let us make sure grievers get the support they need. Share this with someone you know that may be needing support.  No one should grieve alone.