Happy Veterans Day

This Veterans Day we want to thank all of those that have served our great Country!

Many of us will never know or understand the stress or the path that many of these Veterans have been through. We praise and support you for what you have done.

Grief and Awareness

Without Action There Can Be No Change!

Have you experienced the heartache of a break-up, the death of a friend, family member or pet? Have you experienced a miscarriage, loss of trust, losing a job, a child leaving home, bankruptcy, retirement or any other loss?

I understand that this is a rhetorical question as there’s a huge likelihood that you have. In fact most, if not all of us, have. Which is exactly why this is a perfect time for awareness of grief. It’s a perfect time to spread the word that everyone grieves and that grief is normal and natural and that no one should grieve alone. Did you hear that? Grief is NORMAL and NATURAL.

While there are no real stages of grief, here are common characteristics that many grievers experience. Difficulty concentrating, difficulty sleeping, changes in their eating habits, overwhelmed, stressed, and isolation just to name a few.

A huge piece of misinformation is the advice that people give about grief. Have you ever heard the myth that grief just takes time? We hear this and phrases alike in which we just simply need time to heal. Or another one that we hear when we are grieving is that you should keep busy! If you stay busy you will forget about it, which is what the concept here is. All that keeping busy does is distract grievers from their feelings. Keeping busy keeps people stuck in their pain. In my experiences in working with grievers time hasn’t healed anyone’s broken heart and staying busy has only made them stuck. Yet what has helped, is the action that someone takes during a certain time frame that helps someone be able to recover.

So it’s rather simple. What can you do? Who do you know?

Awareness is a great first step. Followed by a plan to recover. That is the part where I come in, having gone through this myself as a griever I was lost. In fact, I lost hope. I did almost everything, read all the self-help books, sat through the classes, and until I found the Grief Recovery Method, I truly believed I would have suffocated in my Grief. Going through all of it and coming through the other side to now become an Advanced Certified Grief Recovery Specialist, I too want you to experience being able to breathe again. I am committed to working with you to restore hope and life back into your every day.

I look forward to speaking with you the moment that you are ready!