
Hopeless, helpless, drained, exhausted, broken, irreparable, shattered, scattered, devastated, rock bottom, impossible, dejected, lost, in despair…

Any of these sound like you? You may feel like it is the end and that you are tired of trying to find a way to break through or crawl out of the giant hole you’re currently in. I am here to help. There is a way, there is an answer. What if I told you I too was feeling all those same exact words above. What if I told you I tried every self-help book, countless counseling sessions, endless seminars and much more. I felt trapped and as if I was suffocating. Then I discovered The Grief Recovery Method for myself. I now have found a way to once again smile and enjoy life. My goal and mission is to share that gift with you. I do indeed hope that we can find a way to connect our paths together and both walk down this path of recovery. I look forward to hearing from you.

You Deserve To Regain The Quality Of Life That Loss May Have Robbed From You.

Loss, and the crushing emotional pain, from it can diminish the state of what your life was like before. Whether you have been through a single devastating loss or you have had several heartaches over your lifetime, the unresolved emotional pain can limit the quality of your life and your capacity for happiness.

Grief is a normal and natural reaction to loss, but most of what we have been taught does not help us in dealing with heartbreak and pain left from it. We do what we think is best and sadly the tools we use usually do not help us with completing all of the things you wish you could have said or done in reference to the relationship or event that broke your heart.

So often what I hear clients say is: “This is my new normal” meaning I’m willing to live with the pain, regrets, lost hopes and dreams forever.

It does not have to be this way. I am not saying that your life has not been forever changed because it has. I am also not implying there’s anything wrong with being in emotional pain or that you can forget a person you loved that is no longer in your life.

What I am talking about is getting something back that you lost because of your pain. I want to help you get back the quality of your life. That is my goal with the Grief Recovery Method. I look forward to partnering with you on this journey. Together we will walk this road.