Can you experience Grief without death?

Many of us associate the word “Grief” with loss. We then associate loss with death. Sadly, the definition of “Grief” has been altered or connected to death.

You do not have to experience death to be grieving. Grief comes in many different sizes, ways, shapes and forms. It affects people differently. In fact, did you know that there are over 40 life changing experiences that one can experience Grief from? Aside from death, some other life events that cause grief are Divorce, Retirement, Moving, Financial change, Health Problems, Legal Problems, Empty Nest, End of Addiction, Starting School, and many more.

If you are experiencing any type of Grief, understand you are not alone. Know that there is help for you, there is a way, a proven method as a matter of fact. The Grief Recovery Method is an evidence-based program, having documented statistically significant improvements in grievers’ knowledge, attitudes and behaviors related to grief. Your first step is to reach out to me today! I am available and eager to start your recovery process – just send me a message, or call (484) 764-7094.