Are you sticking with your resolution?

Well are you?

It starts out so well. You’re so determined, and you wake up every day and make a firm commitment to meet your goals. Whether it’s quitting smoking, drinking, gambling, or losing weight. It works for awhile then, without noticing, you start making excuses and go back to your old behaviors, don’t you?

This happens because most of the behaviors you’re trying to change are related to unresolved grief. You must let go of the old before you can let in the new!

Many New Year’s Resolutions are what we call STERB’s or Short Term Energy Relieving Behaviors. These are the activities we do to distract ourselves from negative or painful feelings. For example, when someone makes a New Year’s Resolution to quit drinking, the STERB they are using is alcohol. Other resolutions that are popular are quitting gambling, smoking, drugs, video games, spending too much time on social media, etc. Short term energy relieving behavior is not bad, but the problem arises when we use them to avoid painful feelings.

The first step is to take an honest look at what you are trying to avoid. When did you start using the STERB?

When you are honest about what you’re avoiding, you’ll have a greater chance of sticking to your New Year’s resolutions.

The Grief Recovery Method will show you how to get complete with your past so you can stop using outside things to make yourself feel better. Begin today by sending me a message or giving a phone call.