What is The Grief Recovery Method?

What exactly is The Grief Recovery Method and how is it any different from other Grief Support programs?

With so many programs and self-help books out there, it is so difficult to find which program is the right one. While I cannot say what is right or wrong for you, I can share my experience with the Grief Recovery Method.

I tried so many different avenues and modalities of self-help programs to help me. I was consumed by my grief, paralyzed by it, and unable to move forward in my life.  I read countless self-help books about grief; what it is, and how to heal my heart. I attended countless self-help seminars and met numerous therapists about my grief. While talking about it with others I did find short term relief but the results were not lasting.  It was as if I was only hitting pause on the inevitable feelings that would just circle right back in due time and keep me trapped.

It was not until I found The Grief Recovery Method, myself, that I was able to find meaningful and lasting healing of that grief and re-engage with life.  It is why I have become an Advanced Certified Grief Recovery Specialist. I am very hopeful that you too can have similar results that I have had through my personal experiences.

If you have the time and are the slightest bit intrigued on what this program can do for you, please take a moment and read this article – https://www.griefrecoverymethod.com/blog/2021/06/5-ways-grief-recovery-method-different-traditional-grief-support

It is a great way to learn 5 ways that differentiate this program from traditional grief support.

I also hope that you feel intrigued enough to pick up the phone and call, or send me a message so that we can discuss further how to begin your recovery journey!

Broken Hearted on Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day often triggers sadness and pain about a loved one that died, a relationship that changed or ended, or a love they wish they had. That’s NORMAL. Feelings of grief are just as valid as emotions of love.

Sadly most of us weren’t taught how to recover from heartbreak, or how to walk through a difficult day or situation.  Below are some helpful things to help you through a tough day;

  • Don’t be strong. Be honest. Being strong for others really means avoiding your feelings and demonstrating to others by example that it’s not okay to be sad. If you need to talk about your feelings, cry, or to take a moment to hug a loved one extra hard, then do so.
  • Don’t try to replace your loss. I’m sure you’ve heard the saying, “There are other fish in the sea.” Well guess what? People are individual and unique. Since no two people are alike there is no way you could possibly replace another person. What you can do is get complete with the relationship that ended or changed, so that you will be fully available to the next person.
  • Don’t stay busy.  Busyness and distractions push back the inevitable feelings you have to feel. Many people try to avoid their feelings with alcohol or food. Pay attention to what activities you might be using to distract yourself near Valentine’s Day. I get it, it’s easy to try to avoid feelings with a box of chocolate or candy hearts, but remember, you can’t go around a broken heart.
  • Don’t try to fix yourself. You are not broken. There’s nothing wrong with feeling sad and heartbroken. It’s as normal as the sun rising in the morning.
  • Don’t isolate. Can you ask for help by making a plan to see, or talk to someone on Valentine’s Day? Find someone that won’t try to fix you.
  • Don’t avoid Valentine’s Day rituals if you don’t want to. If there are Valentine’s Day memories that you love, go ahead and do them. Call someone and share your day together. Get creative or plan something for a later date.

I hope that you were able to find some of these tips useful.

If you’re ready to take the steps to meaningful and lasting healing of that grief and heartbreak, the grief Recovery Method can restore hope and change your life. I look forward to hearing from you.