Entries by Kasander Grief

Does joy or happiness exists?

Why you can’t seem to find any joy in life. Maybe you’ve experienced a ton of heartache in your life, maybe you feel hopeless about the future, or maybe you wonder why you can’t seem to find any joy in life. If you’re reading this, you have probably had a realization about yourself or your […]

Lay Down Burden

This post is in loving memory of my late husband Dr. Jeffrey J. Kasander. One of Jeffrey’s favorite musical artists was the famous Brian Wilson of the Beach Boys.  This song inspired me to write this post. Listen to the song here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_EEqOlv0Jpc So many years were spent running away from painful emotions, they were […]

Taking Action in Moving from Victim to Survivor

There are two major ways to become a victim. One is to be the victim of outside factors, such as another’s actions (whether intended or unintended) or events that are beyond our control. The other is to become a victim of our own choices. When you feel the emotional pain and grief associated with being […]

Being honest about your feelings is courageous!

Do any of these sayings sound familiar to you? “She was hysterical.” “He fell apart.” “She lost her composure.” These are statements people use to describe someone that was crying. Imagine using the same language to describe someone that was laughing. Simply said, that is just something that you wouldn’t do! Tears are as normal […]

We all grieve, are you doing it right?

Grief is a necessary process to come to terms with loss. Grief is the normal and natural reaction to loss, yet almost everything we learned about grief is not normal, not natural and not healthy. We all experience losses and we all grieve. Yet, grief is one of the most taboo topics for discussion. It’s […]

There is Hope

I hear quite often that you never stop grieving or that you can never get over a particular kind of loss. Have you heard this too? What’s so sad about these phrases is that they keep you trapped in pain. I am not saying that your life won’t be changed by a tragic, brutal, or […]

Grief Side-Effects May Include Building Emotional Walls

It can be scary, really really scary, when you come to realize that the source of your deepest, most unimaginable pain you have ever felt is there because you loved someone so deeply and lost them. What is even scarier is that any deep love of anything you have can also be the source of […]

Hurricane Ian & Its Impact Generates Grief For Many

“I’ve lost everything!” is the echo heard from the aftermath of this past storm! Hurricane Ian has been devastating for so many people. It’s hard to fathom the emotional and psychological impact of this devastating storm and the amount of property destruction leaving many people without homes and for some, the death of loved ones. […]

Grief is not a disorder!

Grief is NOT pathological, nor is it a disorder of any kind but it can feel that way! When you’re going through grief, your mind might tell you something is wrong with you, but there isn’t. The real problem is that no one has taught you how to go through grief healthily. Loss is inevitable, […]