Entries by Kasander Grief

What’s Grief Got To Do With Moving?

Riding my horse with a friend this past weekend inspired me to write this post. She is heading off to college in a few days and she is both excited and sad about the move. We talked about her anticipation of this exciting new adventure that awaits her, but she also shared her feelings of […]

Why is it so hard to let go?

Many clients ask me how to let go of painful emotions resulting from loss events in their lives. My clients seek help for a variety of reasons, whether it’s a death of a loved one, a failed relationship, a job loss, or a serious loss of health, or any other major change in their lives […]

Can past hurts be sabotaging your current relationships?

Have you ever behaved in a way that goes against the thing that you want most in a relationship, and that is emotional closeness and intimacy? Do you push away or sabotage the very things that you crave most in relationships? I know I did. I remember my first true love. As a couple we […]

You say you’re fine, but you’re really not!

The Award-Winning Academy Act – “I’m Fine” This is a narrative I often used to tell myself and others: that I was strong, capable and fiercely independent to handle my emotions from painful events that occurred in my life. I’d put on my “Happy Face” and pretend everything was “Fine”. Have you ever felt that […]

Broken Hopes and Dreams

Broken hopes and dreams about a future that will never happen causes grief and can have an effect on your ability for happiness. Have you ever had big dreams about your future?  All the hopes and dreams of what it would be like when you obtain or get those things! We all create hopes, dreams, […]

Honoring Memorial Day

Honoring Memorial Day This post is in honor of all the brave men and women who died while serving in the United States military. For many people it’s a long weekend and picnics, but today we honor the true meaning of Memorial Day, it is a day of reflection, remembrance and grief for many veterans […]

Overcoming Grief

Loss is all around us and is a part of life that none of us are immune to. So often it’s misunderstood what grief and grieving is, and sometimes it’s the belief that grief will somehow go away with time. For all of you who have the experience of major significant losses, you know that’s […]

Mother’s Day Mixed Emotions

Mother’s Day is a reason to celebrate for many people, but it can bring up sad or painful feelings for others. Death isn’t the only reason that people grieve. Death isn’t the only reason you might be grieving around Mother’s Day.  Maybe your mom was abusive or less than loving.  Maybe she didn’t mother in […]

Could you be grieving and not know it?

How could someone be grieving and not even know it?  It’s easy because our society uses a lot of different words to describe what could simply be grief. We hear words, or terms such as: Stress PTSD Depression Anxiety Feeling “Off” Grief is the normal and natural emotional reaction to loss of any kind. If […]

Time and Grief

Grief is the normal and natural reaction to any change from what is familiar in life. It is the emotional response to change. It can be defined as a feeling associated with the things we wish might have been different or better in any relationship, whether it is with a person, a pet, a job, […]