Entries by Kasander Grief

Grief that feels like a dark cloud

Grief can feel like a looming dark cloud that never seems to go away.  Any experience of loss can bring about a storm of emotions, and grief sure has its way of clouding our perceptions as well as our feelings.  Some days it may be just a drizzle, but most days it feels like a […]

Grief Recovery Is Possible

Have you ever heard or felt that you will never STOP grieving, or you’ll never GET OVER a particular kind of loss? The problem with these statements and thoughts is they keep you trapped into feeling like a victim. I am not saying that your life will not be changed by a tragic, heartbreaking event, […]

Clearing out the Junk Drawer

It is Springtime, and we all know what that means. Spring Cleaning! Do you have one of those drawers that you shove everything into?  Now the drawer is so full that there is no room to fit even one more thing in it. The contents inside are more like 2 or 3 junk drawers worth […]

Being in control

Most of us develop the ability to try to control our lives and emotions. That is a part of the socialization process. When you are deeply grieving a loss, it’s then that you feel a loss of control. Suddenly, you cannot control your feelings and that can be overwhelming. You might find yourself feeling sad […]

The pieces that make us, us

As human beings we have a lot of pieces that make us, us! We are all different and unique but also very alike. You can almost relate us humans to a giant puzzle. Each piece is unique and different but also is made to go together in just the right spot to make a perfect […]

If your Heart feels broken on Valentine’s Day

For many people Valentine’s day is about romance, love, flowers and of course, chocolate. For others it’s a reminder of a broken or hurting heart. Holidays often trigger sadness and pain about a loved one that died, a relationship that changed or ended, an event that happened, or a love they wish they had. These […]

All Relationships Are Unique, therefore all recovery is individual.

All grief is experienced at 100%, but that doesn’t mean that all grief is experienced at the same emotional intensity. This depends on individual people and their relationships. The Grief Recovery Method will help if your heart is broken for any reason. This program is the only evidence-based Grief Recovery program in the world. The […]

A different type of Holiday

Your Holidays may be very different this year. That affects us all, in many ways. In lieu of the “Holiday Spirit” I am Gifting my time. I will be Gifting Free Phone Calls to anyone who needs support during the  holiday season and how it may be affecting you.  Remember you are not alone. Please […]

Anger & Resentment

A Sign of Unresolved Grief Unresolved grief leaves anger incomplete, which in-turn becomes frozen as resentment. The primary goal of effective grief recovery is to help people discover and complete what was left emotionally unfinished for them. Death, divorce, past relationships, or the end of love relationships are what keep many frozen, unfinished, or stuck […]