Entries by Kasander Grief

Happy Veterans Day

This Veterans Day we want to thank all of those that have served our great Country! Many of us will never know or understand the stress or the path that many of these Veterans have been through. We praise and support you for what you have done.

Grief and Awareness

Without Action There Can Be No Change! Have you experienced the heartache of a break-up, the death of a friend, family member or pet? Have you experienced a miscarriage, loss of trust, losing a job, a child leaving home, bankruptcy, retirement or any other loss? I understand that this is a rhetorical question as there’s […]

Does time heal all wounds?

“Time will heal all wounds!” We have all heard this saying. If you have grieved and used the Grief Recovery Program you know how untrue this saying is. If you are currently still grieving from something new, or something that has been attached for years, you also know how untrue this saying is. Quite simply […]

Losing A Pet Can Be Devastating

So often pet owners suffer in silence because they have been met with unhelpful comments by well-meaning friends & family such as: At least you can get another pet He was only a dog/cat Your pet’s in a better place Until now there were very few resources on what to do when your pet died.  […]

Lost Hopes Dreams & Expectations

What could I have done differently, better, or more? I wished I could have done or said (X). Why couldn’t it have been me instead? I had so many hopes, dreams & expectations about my relationship, what now? How do I go on from here? Losing a significant loved one to death, divorce or a […]

Recovery is never about forgetting

Recovery from loss is achieved by a series of small and correct choices made by the griever! Recovery is never about forgetting. It’s about taking action to deal with all of the “unfinished business” in a relationship. It involves taking an inventory of all of the positive (and less than positive) elements of that relationship […]

Is your job stressful?

Are you in a high stress heightening job? A lot of times we do not even realize how work-related stress can trickle into our own life and affect us. I have Grief Recovery tools that can help you identify the root of what causes this. From there, by working together we can address and nurture […]

Grief yesteryear, today, tomorrow

THE WORLD GRIEVED ON THIS DAY 9/11/2001 A day that left a lasting imprint on the world and humankind. Suddenly one morning the world lost its sense of safety. 9/11 caused immediate grief for the families and friends that were directly affected.  Even if you did not personally know someone that was tragically lost, or […]

Grief and the next steps

We all grieve, but without action there can be no change. If you’ve experienced the heartache of a break-up, the death of a friend, family member, or pet, a miscarriage, loss of trust, losing a job, a child leaving home, bankruptcy, retirement or any other loss, you have experienced grief. Grief is normal and natural […]