Entries by Kasander Grief

Uncertainty, change, and the grief that follows.

Grief is the conflicting feelings caused by the end of, or change in, a familiar pattern of behavior. How has your life and familiar patterns changed over the past months? Pandemic, Social Movements, and Weather patterns that have affected us all. All of this causes so much uncertainty about how our lives are, and could […]

Why is grief so hard?

Why Grief Is So Hard Most of us have no idea the overpowering feelings of grief until you experience it on a personal level. Many people have witnessed family and friends who were grieving and saw how upset they were and often wondered why after so long they were still grieving.  That’s because they had […]

Definition of Grief

The Oxford Dictionary defines grief as: deep sorrow, especially that caused by someone’s death. This is a very broad, yet a pinpoint description. The face of Grief is not a type. Grief does not discriminate nor does grief have an expiration date. Grief is not one size fits all, nor is it defined by particular […]

What holds you back from happiness?

What’s Holding You Back From Happiness? “The Key To Recovery From Grief is Action Not Time” Our thoughts about people, circumstances and events in our lives produce our emotional responses to them.  We have practiced our beliefs over a lifetime and we have become very loyal to them making them “Right”. We can get stuck […]

Be Heard and Acknowledged

“You don’t need to be fixed or changed, you need to be heard and acknowledged.” -Jennifer Kasander I know this because I have experienced the emotional pain from loss and all I wanted was to be heard, not fixed. Now I dedicate my time to helping those in situations such as mine. I have become […]

The Pain of Grief

We have all experienced many losses in our lives, some small and less significant, some large and very significant. However, we really never think about how to deal with emotion, less until we find ourselves overwhelmed with the PAIN OF GRIEF.   It is at that point we realize how few tools and skills we […]

Become Independent from your Feelings of Grief

I would like to extend my warmest wishes that you may all have a very happy and safe 4th of July this weekend. May this holiday be a reminder that you too can become independent from your feelings of GRIEF through The Grief Recovery Method. Don’t wait to start healing, Reach out to me now […]

What is Grief and How do I Grieve?

Grief is Challenging and Where Do We Start? Grief can be challenging and extremely overwhelming.  From my own experience with the losses in my life I felt as if my whole world came crashing down with no hope for the future.  As time passed, I was so lost in the pain and loneliness I didn’t […]

What does the Face of Grief Look Like?

What does the Face Of Grief Look Like? It may not be what you think. We all have heard that everyone grieves in their own way and at their own pace.  Yes, that is true. Grieving is as unique as each person’s experience. It’s also true that the face of grief is not what you […]