Can their be Grief if there is no Death?

Something that I have heard many times is something that sounds like: “But how can I be grieving when no one has died?”

Grief is not defined by death as there are many types of loss. Loss of a loved one, friend, or pet can certainly cause that heavy concrete death that so many associate with grief. Just as likely are many other types of losses that can be called what we name as “intangible losses.”

Some of these examples are: Loss of control, Loss of security, Loss of safety, Loss of trust, Loss of goals, Loss of expectations, and much more.

Just because someone may be suffering from one of these above, does not mean it isn’t painful or devastating. Our world that we live in today has a tough time connecting these painful losses with grief. For that reason, it leaves many wondering why they feel heartbroken.

There is good news though, The Grief Recovery Method is an evidence-based program that has proven to be effective against any type of Grief. In fact, The Grief Recovery Method earning the “Evidence Based Program” has made it the only Grief Support Program to have received this title. Find out how you can begin your healing process today by reaching out to me.