Pet Loss and how it affects you

Sunday, September 12th, is National Pet Memorial Day. This is a day in which we look back and reflect on one, or many pets, that we may have had throughout our lifetime that are no longer with us. A pet is an extension of our family, a companion, and a great friend. The bond you have with a pet is different than those shared with a human. Many may find that our family or friends cannot understand the level of grief that we are going through, and please know, this is normal.

When a pet passes many people try to move on quickly which dismisses the real impact. Sometimes people may even attempt to replace the pet almost immediately. These are just 2 out of 6 myths that are discussed and can be found in the book Grief Recovery Handbook for Pet Loss.

I hope first you are able to reach out to me so I can help you through this process. Although I also want to recommend this book as it has been able to help many address the pain that comes with the loss of a pet as well as ultimately, how to move on with life.

What is stopping you from climbing Mount Grief?

Is there a huge, tall mountain in front of you?

Looking up may give you doubts and fears of how you will ever conquer what’s ahead. Leaving you retreating and entrenched in the current path you’re on.

Luckily, you have an expert in your corner and an experienced mountain climber that not only has answers to your many questions but that has also faced many mountains.

The first step is always the hardest and the climb ahead will be no easy task. It will be challenging, gut checking, physically and emotionally exhausting.

Although words cannot explain not only the crisp and fresh air but also the amazing views from the top!

Are you ready to begin your climb? I am ready to go on this journey with you and guide you every step of the way.

Can you experience Grief without death?

Many of us associate the word “Grief” with loss. We then associate loss with death. Sadly, the definition of “Grief” has been altered or connected to death.

You do not have to experience death to be grieving. Grief comes in many different sizes, ways, shapes and forms. It affects people differently. In fact, did you know that there are over 40 life changing experiences that one can experience Grief from? Aside from death, some other life events that cause grief are Divorce, Retirement, Moving, Financial change, Health Problems, Legal Problems, Empty Nest, End of Addiction, Starting School, and many more.

If you are experiencing any type of Grief, understand you are not alone. Know that there is help for you, there is a way, a proven method as a matter of fact. The Grief Recovery Method is an evidence-based program, having documented statistically significant improvements in grievers’ knowledge, attitudes and behaviors related to grief. Your first step is to reach out to me today! I am available and eager to start your recovery process – just send me a message, or call (484) 764-7094.



Hopeless, helpless, drained, exhausted, broken, irreparable, shattered, scattered, devastated, rock bottom, impossible, dejected, lost, in despair…

Any of these sound like you? You may feel like it is the end and that you are tired of trying to find a way to break through or crawl out of the giant hole you’re currently in. I am here to help. There is a way, there is an answer. What if I told you I too was feeling all those same exact words above. What if I told you I tried every self-help book, countless counseling sessions, endless seminars and much more. I felt trapped and as if I was suffocating. Then I discovered The Grief Recovery Method for myself. I now have found a way to once again smile and enjoy life. My goal and mission is to share that gift with you. I do indeed hope that we can find a way to connect our paths together and both walk down this path of recovery. I look forward to hearing from you.

You Deserve To Regain The Quality Of Life That Loss May Have Robbed From You.

Loss, and the crushing emotional pain, from it can diminish the state of what your life was like before. Whether you have been through a single devastating loss or you have had several heartaches over your lifetime, the unresolved emotional pain can limit the quality of your life and your capacity for happiness.

Grief is a normal and natural reaction to loss, but most of what we have been taught does not help us in dealing with heartbreak and pain left from it. We do what we think is best and sadly the tools we use usually do not help us with completing all of the things you wish you could have said or done in reference to the relationship or event that broke your heart.

So often what I hear clients say is: “This is my new normal” meaning I’m willing to live with the pain, regrets, lost hopes and dreams forever.

It does not have to be this way. I am not saying that your life has not been forever changed because it has. I am also not implying there’s anything wrong with being in emotional pain or that you can forget a person you loved that is no longer in your life.

What I am talking about is getting something back that you lost because of your pain. I want to help you get back the quality of your life. That is my goal with the Grief Recovery Method. I look forward to partnering with you on this journey. Together we will walk this road.

Grief Is Love Unfinished

Sometimes people mistake that honoring a loved one’s memory means that they must stay in emotional pain.

Wouldn’t it be nice to honor their memory without emotional pain?

When you’re ready to make a change, I will walk beside you on your road to recovery so you can gain a renewed sense of self.

Start now by calling (484) 764-7094.

It is never too soon to heal your heart.

It takes one small thing to move forward. Willingness…accepting at least 1% responsibility for how you are going to move forward.

Maybe you’ve been through a devastating loss recently or a long time ago. Maybe you’ve experienced a ton of heartache, feel hopeless about the future, or wonder why you can’t seem to find any joy in life.

I’ve been there too: deaths, breakups, crushing loneliness, not wanting to get out of bed, they were devastating, I felt so hopelessly sad, and I wished I could have changed what happened, but I couldn’t.


Hopefully at some point you decide to search for help to heal your heart. Maybe that’s why you’re reading this message right now. I am here to tell you that there is a way, there is a method. The Grief Recovery Method can help! I hope you DM me, give me a call, or send me an email to begin the process.


Grief that feels like a dark cloud

Grief can feel like a looming dark cloud that never seems to go away.  Any experience of loss can bring about a storm of emotions, and grief sure has its way of clouding our perceptions as well as our feelings.  Some days it may be just a drizzle, but most days it feels like a monsoon leaving us feeling powerless in its wake.

I am here to tell you that there are sunnier days ahead.  I am proof, I walked through some treacherous storms and experienced feelings as if there was no end in sight to the pain and suffering.  I did everything I could think of. I read every self-help, life after loss book, counseling, groups, and anything else that was suggested to me. I heard a lot of stay busy, time will heal, and be strong.  Nothing worked, I thought I was hopeless until I found the Grief Recovery Method.  Today, I take what I learned and now make it my mission to help you on the recovery path.  I am an Advanced Certified Grief Recovery Specialist, and I am ready to work with you so together, we can part the darkness and begin to see warmer and sunnier days!

Grief Recovery Is Possible

Have you ever heard or felt that you will never STOP grieving, or you’ll never GET OVER a particular kind of loss?

The problem with these statements and thoughts is they keep you trapped into feeling like a victim. I am not saying that your life will not be changed by a tragic, heartbreaking event, but if you are looking for a way out of the crushing helpless dark feeling of grief, there is HOPE. You can Recover from heartache IF you are willing to take courageous action.

So, what can you do?

The Grief Recovery Method is a step-by-step process for recovering from loss. The process is accessible, I will show you what to do each step of the way and you will never be left on your own. Yes, trying something new is scary, but do it anyway. Recovery means getting your quality of life back. And with recovery you will find freedom from pain.

People say that grief never ends, but this well-intentioned statement keeps you trapped in pain. There is a better way. Take the courageous actions of The Grief Recovery Method and live your life to the fullest again. I am waiting to hear from you.

Clearing out the Junk Drawer

It is Springtime, and we all know what that means. Spring Cleaning!

Do you have one of those drawers that you shove everything into?  Now the drawer is so full that there is no room to fit even one more thing in it. The contents inside are more like 2 or 3 junk drawers worth of stuff.  You tell yourself that one day you are going to clean it out, sort through it, decide what to keep and what to throw out but you never do it. Why?  Because it is painful and hard work to go through that junk.

In life we do the same thing, we shove everything aside that we do not want to deal with in our heart. All the hurts, traumas, resentments, all the rejections. Everything you do not know how to process gets shoved away in the heart. This can show up as chronic anxiety, depression, unresolved troubled childhood, divorce, breakups, and the list goes on.

It’s Spring Cleaning time, so why not start? Now is the time to start cleaning out the heart! I want to help you do the heart work.