Grief Recovery is Individual

All Relationships are unique; Therefore, all recovery is individual.

Whether your heartache is caused by death, divorce, childhood abuse, moving, pet loss, or anything else, you experience your feelings at 100%. That is why we, at The Grief Institute, are adamant that there is no hierarchy of losses. When you compare one loss to another, it robs dignity for the person who is made to feel as if their loss isn’t as big.

Grief is based on the unique relationship + time and intensity of the relationship + the value placed on the relationship. All relationships are unique, so no one ever has the same experience.

All grief is experienced at 100%, but that doesn’t mean that all grief is experienced at the same emotional intensity. That depends on individual people and their relationships.

Although grief is as normal as the sun coming up in the morning, every loss experience is as unique as the person going through it. You have a unique story. I have a unique story. Every single person you know has a unique story too. It is crucial to honor that and not try to fit people into a neatly categorized box.

The Grief Recovery Method will help if your heart is broken for any reason. The only requirement being a little courage and willingness to take action.