Hurricane Ian & Its Impact Generates Grief For Many

“I’ve lost everything!” is the echo heard from the aftermath of this past storm! Hurricane Ian has been devastating for so many people. It’s hard to fathom the emotional and psychological impact of this devastating storm and the amount of property destruction leaving many people without homes and for some, the death of loved ones. People are not only grieving the loss of their homes and precious belongings, but they are also grieving a loss of safety, security, comfort, and trust in the familiarity and predictability of everyday life.

It would only be normal and natural to experience a number of conflicting emotions when your life is dramatically altered by a loss of this kind. These conflicting emotions may include a heightened sense of fear, confusion, anger, devastation, loneliness, isolation, and trepidation. This is the fullness of what grief is.

Grief is the result of the end of, or change in, a familiar pattern of behavior. Any large-scale event, such as Hurricane Ian, or any other natural disaster, results in significant loss and changes to familiar patterns of behavior. The actions by federal, state & local agencies have already begun to offer economic support to these people. Rebuilding will happen, and business will reopen, but one area that’s rarely addressed is the ongoing emotional pain and grief that will continue to be felt by everyone who lived through this event or who had loved ones displaced as a result. The grief for those who have lost property and a sense of security, not to mention the loss of loved ones is tremendous. The grief and loss that these people are facing, if not dealt with, may follow them the rest of their lives.

If Ian, or any other natural disaster, or any traumatic event has impacted you, you would be well served to take grief recovery action. The sense of fear and loss of safety generated by that event could otherwise be something that impacts you for years to come.

The Grief Recovery Method offers direction in how to deal, not only with those relationships to people that may have been impacted as a result of such an event, but also with the loss of possessions and sense of safety. It’s a step-by-step approach to saying “goodbye” to what has been lost, so that you can better face a future that is perhaps quite different from the one you expected. It offers you the opportunity to take emotional care of yourself and your loved ones.

As an Advanced Certified Grief Recovery Specialist, I would be touched for the opportunity to hear from you so we can discuss how we begin this process. Feel free to message me through here, leave a voicemail (484) 764-7094, or fill out a contact request on my website –