Lay Down Burden

This post is in loving memory of my late husband Dr. Jeffrey J. Kasander.

One of Jeffrey’s favorite musical artists was the famous Brian Wilson of the Beach Boys.  This song inspired me to write this post. Listen to the song here:

So many years were spent running away from painful emotions, they were just too much to bear.  A deep hole was left in my heart & I have felt alone since you left me and if I had the chance, I’d never let you go.  (this is my take on Brian Wilson’s 1st verse)

I am sure so many of you can relate to the longing and loneliness caused by the effects of loss, not to mention the regrets of things we wish could have been different, better or more and of all the future dreams that will never become. This is how I felt for so long until I found The Grief Recovery Method.

People often ask when they should start using The Grief Recovery Method. The answer is different for everybody depending on the loss you’ve experienced and when you have the willingness to do it.

The key, however, is to not wait many years to say goodbye to pain and unfinished emotions. That doesn’t help you, It doesn’t help the people around you and it doesn’t honor the memory of who died.

Waiting for years is too much time to sit in devastating pain and feelings. Plus, over time, we all experience more losses and pain which means, if you don’t do the work you could end up with a whole backpack full of unresolved “issues”.

Make today the day you decide to heal.

Make today the day that you get started with The Grief Recovery Method.

We will give you the tools to work on what is still painful and holding you back and gently guide you to say goodbye to that pain. All you have to do is show up and have a little bit of willingness.

You know what’s more painful than taking an honest look at your pain? Allowing your emotional pain to become your new normal.