Lost Hopes Dreams & Expectations

What could I have done differently, better, or more?
I wished I could have done or said (X).
Why couldn’t it have been me instead?
I had so many hopes, dreams & expectations about my relationship, what now?
How do I go on from here?

Losing a significant loved one to death, divorce or a romantic partnership breakup is very painful and we are often left with asking these questions. You probably had hopes, dreams and expectations about your relationship.  The most obvious is it would last forever. So many plans and dreams of things that you were going to do.  You might have expected to raise children together, travel the world together, or to always have someone by your side. Then all of a sudden those hopes and dreams are gone.

Loss hurts no matter how it happens. Don’t pretend you are okay if you aren’t. Our society taught us that the way to deal with grief is to be strong for others. What that means is you should hide your feelings. Being strong is being honest about your feelings.

The Key to Recovery is Action Not Time.  Get Started In Your Recovery.

The Grief Recovery Method can teach you new skills on how to cope with and process unmet hopes, dreams and expectations.

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