
Unresolved grief?

Grief is not something that you get over, avoid, can go around, or ignore.  You must go through it. Unresolved grief is almost always about things we wish we had said or done differently, better, or more.  Unresolved grief is also about the unrealized hopes, dreams, and expectations we had for the relationship.  Finally, unresolved grief is about undelivered communications of an emotional nature.  Most of us were never taught the proper tools to recover.


That is where I come in, I am a trained specialist in a PROVEN evidence-based method that helps those grieving learn how to deal with the pain.

Do you battle GRIEF itself?

Did you know that there are over 43 losses that may cause Grief?  Here is a list of just some ways Grief can enter in our life:

  • Death
  • Moving
  • Loss of Pet
  • Retirement
  • Divorce
  • Finances
  • Health
  • Legal Problems
  • Ending Addiction
  • Job
  • Children leaving home

Grief does not have stages; it cannot be categorized.  Grief is normal and natural, it’s not a condition or disorder. Many times, Grief gets mislabeled as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, ADHD, depression, and many other pathological conditions.

A misdiagnosis will often lead to a mistreatment.  Leaving you possibly feeling like a pinball bouncing off bumpers, trying various medications, most of which will only get in the way of allowing you to FEEL and recover from grieving.

Recovering from any type of significant emotional loss is not easy.  Taking the correct actions that put you on the path of healing will require your attention, an open mind, courage, and willingness!

I am ready to begin with you when you are.

About my programs

In my 7 week one-on-one program, or my group 8 week program, both you and I will work together using a proven method on how to grieve. It is a method that I myself used during my personal process and now as a Certified Grief Specialist, I want to share and give you and others the opportunity to learn essential methods and skills on loss & grief.

Has your core been shaken?

When we experience something that rocks our core we don’t always deal with it like we should.  We tend to push it to the side, maybe we even attempt to power through it, or we don’t deal with it head on.  If you do not properly grieve or have the tools to do this, the majority of the time we go about adding more stress, suffering, anxiety, tension, and weight to ourselves.  All of these feelings hold us down and will only accumulate. Feelings that you carry around with you all times of the day and wherever you go. It can make day to day tasks that should be relatively easy difficult, or maybe we turn and hide or run away.  The longer you put off dealing with this the more difficult it can become.

Instead of pushing these feelings away that are holding you back and keeping you down take the first step and give me a call. Let’s work with one another and lift that weight off your shoulders.  You can live a happy and healthy life, using the tools you’ll learn that I will teach you on how to deal with the “weight” of what weighed you down.