
The Pain of Grief

We have all experienced many losses in our lives, some small and less significant, some large and very significant. However, we really never think about how to deal with emotion, less until we find ourselves overwhelmed with the PAIN OF GRIEF.   It is at that point we realize how few tools and skills we have to deal with that pain, and that what we learned growing up doesn’t really work.

Most of us learned how to cope with losses at a very young age with “insignificant” losses like broken toys or lost balloons.

You were probably told:
Don’t Feel Bad.”
“We’ll Get You A New One (Replace The Loss).”
Don’t Cry.”
“You Need To Be Strong.”

While accepting these suggestions may have temporarily seemed to soothe you and made it easier for others to be around you, but they never really deal with the emotional pain you are experiencing.  More often these comments encouraged you to simply bury that pain deep down inside as you go on with your life.

Now you may find yourself in an emotionally painful situation where what you have been taught on how to heal from pain is not working anymore for you.  The question is, “Where do I now turn for help?”

The Grief Recovery Method has been shown to be an “evidence based” program which can actually make a difference for those dealing with the emotional pain of loss.

Don’t wait to start your recovery!  Start Now. Call me for a free consultation.

Unresolved grief?

Grief is not something that you get over, avoid, can go around, or ignore.  You must go through it. Unresolved grief is almost always about things we wish we had said or done differently, better, or more.  Unresolved grief is also about the unrealized hopes, dreams, and expectations we had for the relationship.  Finally, unresolved grief is about undelivered communications of an emotional nature.  Most of us were never taught the proper tools to recover.


That is where I come in, I am a trained specialist in a PROVEN evidence-based method that helps those grieving learn how to deal with the pain.

New month, new path

May is here. A new month. Are you ready today to start the path to the new you? Let’s make today the day that we see how learning the Grief Recovery Method can help you to “Feel Better”. Start the journey to recovering and rediscovering you. I am waiting to hear from you!

Grieving during the Coronavirus

Right now is a time that most of us have never faced or experienced.  To say that our lives have been flipped upside down is a vast understatement.  I want to take a moment to share an article that I found. I believe if you can read this, you can agree with the contents within this article.

Because of this, I have become more available.  During these troubling times I will be offering 20-minute sessions as a FREE SERVICE.

There are 3 main ways in which you can get a hold of me.

1 – Call (484) 764-7094 – please leave a detailed message if it goes to my voicemail.

2 – Fill out a contact form

3 – Send me a direct message through Facebook –

I will get back to you as soon as I am able. Stay safe!

How do we ask for help?

Dealing with unresolved grief?  How do we ask for help, or how do we know what type of help we need?  More importantly, how do we feel about being OK with the fact that we do need help?  I will be able to answer these questions and more for you. I look forward to hearing from you today.

Grieving Properly

We live in such a fast paced world. Everything is at our fingertips and we sometimes have or set unrealistic expectations. In some ways it has desensitized us on how to feel or how stop and slow down. When we need to actually feel, we hear phrases such as “be strong” or “roll up your sleeves” or “time will take care of.”
This mindset may be a quick solution, or maybe it keeps us running away. Although all we are really doing is piling more on top, we are adding more to our already full plate. A plate that desperately needs to stop, breathe, feel in and feel out. A plate that needs to learn how to grieve properly.

That’s where I come in, I am a Certified Grief Recovery Specialist. Through group or one on one sessions I work with you through this process. Start today by contacting me directly or through my website

Has your core been shaken?

When we experience something that rocks our core we don’t always deal with it like we should.  We tend to push it to the side, maybe we even attempt to power through it, or we don’t deal with it head on.  If you do not properly grieve or have the tools to do this, the majority of the time we go about adding more stress, suffering, anxiety, tension, and weight to ourselves.  All of these feelings hold us down and will only accumulate. Feelings that you carry around with you all times of the day and wherever you go. It can make day to day tasks that should be relatively easy difficult, or maybe we turn and hide or run away.  The longer you put off dealing with this the more difficult it can become.

Instead of pushing these feelings away that are holding you back and keeping you down take the first step and give me a call. Let’s work with one another and lift that weight off your shoulders.  You can live a happy and healthy life, using the tools you’ll learn that I will teach you on how to deal with the “weight” of what weighed you down.