There is Hope

I hear quite often that you never stop grieving or that you can never get over a particular kind of loss. Have you heard this too?

What’s so sad about these phrases is that they keep you trapped in pain. I am not saying that your life won’t be changed by a tragic, brutal, or heartbreaking event, but to tell yourself and other people who are looking for a way out that their grief will never end keeps you, and them, a victim.

I am instead giving you HOPE! It is called: The Grief Recovery Method.

It’s different from traditional grief support. One big difference is that we don’t separate people by the type of loss they have experienced. This process helps everyone, no matter why their heart is broken. That probably sounds wildly different because most grief support programs focus on the type of loss.

Even if two people experienced the same type of loss, they still wouldn’t have the exact same experiences because all relationships are unique. For example, 2 sisters lose their mother and you would think that they would be experiencing the same type of loss, right? Well, those two sisters are still individual people. One might have had a great relationship with their mother while the other relationship was more complicated. To compare one person’s loss to another’s, regardless of the cause or the type of loss, discounts, minimizes or trivializes their feelings or experience.

We at The Grief Recovery Institute found that focusing on the type of loss puts the focus in the wrong place. Of course, the type of loss is important because it’s why someone’s heart is broken, but we also focus on how to help people. The Grief Recovery Method is a universal proven program and solution that will work for anyone that is willing to do the work. What also is so unique about The Grief Recovery Method is that the program has a start and an end. Many traditional grief support groups offer a safe environment for a griever to talk about their feelings, but talking only provides short-term relief. Talking about your feelings can be beneficial, but it’s not enough. The Grief Recovery Method is designed to guide your emotional pain through a series of actions to feel better. Of course, you can choose to continue working to heal other relationships, but we have a system that is proven to work. So, there is no need to see me indefinitely.