Uncertainty, change, and the grief that follows.

Grief is the conflicting feelings caused by the end of, or change in, a familiar pattern of behavior.

How has your life and familiar patterns changed over the past months? Pandemic, Social Movements, and Weather patterns that have affected us all. All of this causes so much uncertainty about how our lives are, and could continue to change. When do things go back to normal? Or better yet, will they ever?

The thought of that is pretty scary right?

Not only are we adapting to changes in our community, but you may be facing the decision to have your young one(s) by your side learning how to adapt to school from home. This changes the pattern or possibility of getting back to your daily routine.  For some, that uncertainty about work schedules and who is going to be responsible for learning how to school their child(ren) from home, or if there is a split school schedule, home for a few days and then in school for a few days, creates an unknown factor. How do you coordinate all of those pieces?  The list goes on and on leaving some feeling like there is no end in sight. All of this fits the definition of Grief, as I mentioned in the very opening line.

So now that we know what Grief is, how can someone tell if they’re grieving? Here are a few questions to ask yourself.

  •             Are you having a hard time concentrating?
  •             Is it tough to fall or stay asleep?
  •             Are you eating more often or eating way less?
  •             Are you eating more sugar, dessert or snack foods?
  •             Do you lack energy?
  •             Are your emotions all over the place?
  •             Is it hard to stay in the moment?
  •             Do you go in one room to get something then forget why you went there?
  •             Do you feel isolated and are having a hard time adjusting?
  •             Are you arguing with your spouse?
  •             Are you trying to avoid your feelings by using Short Term Energy Relieving Behaviors like drinking, binge watching TV or scrolling on social media for hours?

If you don’t know how to deal with your feelings, there is nothing wrong with you. You, just like myself and many others before you, were never taught how! No one sits you down when you’re ten years old to explain how to deal with the normal emotional pain you’ll experience in life. In fact, sometimes as a child your feelings get discounted. All we know is what we see other people in our society do, and much of what they do won’t help you recover from grief.

Now it is time to shine some light, the good news is there is hope. Grief, much like the majority of things in our life can be handled and dealt with. There is a solution, there is a way and hope. You and I will work closely together on an evidence based program that has proven to be effective. Join me and the countless before you on beginning a path to a new restored hope.

You can call me, email me, direct message me, or fill out a form on my website. Anyway that you feel most comfortable doing, I will respond back to you. I am waiting to hear from you.

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