What does the Face of Grief Look Like?

What does the Face Of Grief Look Like?

It may not be what you think.

We all have heard that everyone grieves in their own way and at their own pace.  Yes, that is true. Grieving is as unique as each person’s experience.

It’s also true that the face of grief is not what you may recognize.  While you may think grieving is only about crying, and if someone is grieving they are crying, but conversely if someone is not crying we may think that they are not grieving.  However this is not true.  That limits what grief is, how it is expressed and how we recognize it.  Grief can appear as anger, irritability, physical pain, bodily stress, restlessness, sleeplessness, depression, loneliness, fear or hostility.

Therefore, it’s not the tears or the other emotions that mean anything, but what is important is what is revealed to a person about what they are experiencing.

The point is Grief is not what it looks like.  Grief, by definition, is emotional. The bottom line, then, is what is being done to get to the bottom of the emotions that will allow the truth of the grief to surface and be dealt with.

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