Grief Recovery is Ongoing!

Grief Recovery Is an Ongoing Process Many people think that once they have gone through The Grief Recovery Method, that they will forever stay “recovered.” That would be wonderful if Grief Recovery was like that and required no further work. Unfortunately, it does not work that way! When you have taken Grief Recovery action, you […]

Learning to deal with your emotional feelings

How did you learn to deal with painful emotional feelings when you were growing up? Most of us never give any thought to how to deal with an emotional loss, until we find ourselves overwhelmed with the pain of grief. It is at that point that we discover how very few tools we have to […]

You cannot outrun a broken heart

No matter how fast you run, you can’t go around your broken heart Are you looking for emotional healing of some sort? You may even be wondering if it is possible, and the answer is YES. The reality is that you will never be the same person that you were before whatever happened that you […]

Grief Recovery is Individual

All Relationships are unique; Therefore, all recovery is individual. Whether your heartache is caused by death, divorce, childhood abuse, moving, pet loss, or anything else, you experience your feelings at 100%. That is why we, at The Grief Institute, are adamant that there is no hierarchy of losses. When you compare one loss to another, […]

Masked Grief

Masked Grief relates to those situations where the person has become so adept at suppressing their feelings of emotional pain that they take on other symptomatology. There are many ways in which people attempt to work through the grieving process. Those who recognize that grief, by definition, is an emotion, and make a concerted effort […]