A different type of Holiday

Your Holidays may be very different this year. That affects us all, in many ways. In lieu of the “Holiday Spirit” I am Gifting my time. I will be Gifting Free Phone Calls to anyone who needs support during the  holiday season and how it may be affecting you.  Remember you are not alone. Please […]

Anger & Resentment

A Sign of Unresolved Grief Unresolved grief leaves anger incomplete, which in-turn becomes frozen as resentment. The primary goal of effective grief recovery is to help people discover and complete what was left emotionally unfinished for them. Death, divorce, past relationships, or the end of love relationships are what keep many frozen, unfinished, or stuck […]

Happy Veterans Day

This Veterans Day we want to thank all of those that have served our great Country! Many of us will never know or understand the stress or the path that many of these Veterans have been through. We praise and support you for what you have done.

Grief and Awareness

Without Action There Can Be No Change! Have you experienced the heartache of a break-up, the death of a friend, family member or pet? Have you experienced a miscarriage, loss of trust, losing a job, a child leaving home, bankruptcy, retirement or any other loss? I understand that this is a rhetorical question as there’s […]

Does time heal all wounds?

“Time will heal all wounds!” We have all heard this saying. If you have grieved and used the Grief Recovery Program you know how untrue this saying is. If you are currently still grieving from something new, or something that has been attached for years, you also know how untrue this saying is. Quite simply […]