What is Grief and How do I Grieve?

Grief is Challenging and Where Do We Start? Grief can be challenging and extremely overwhelming.  From my own experience with the losses in my life I felt as if my whole world came crashing down with no hope for the future.  As time passed, I was so lost in the pain and loneliness I didn’t […]

What does the Face of Grief Look Like?

What does the Face Of Grief Look Like? It may not be what you think. We all have heard that everyone grieves in their own way and at their own pace.  Yes, that is true. Grieving is as unique as each person’s experience. It’s also true that the face of grief is not what you […]

The Agony of Grief

Having experienced significant losses in my life, I too have experienced the agony of grief and the powerlessness of having the skills to cope with and process my feelings.   I thought if I gave it enough time that it would somehow miraculously heal the pain, or if I stayed really busy that the pain […]

Significant time has gone by.  Are you still grieving and in pain?   You may want to  explore The Grief Recovery Method?  This is an evidence-based method that has been proven to work.  We all grieve, we all grieve from different things, in fact there are over 43 losses that are considered Grief.    Loss of […]

Do you feel alone?

Have you felt like you have tried everything to heal from the pain of loss but no matter what you have tried you still cannot find a way to recover from your Grief?  The sadness, loneliness and feelings of powerlessness still haunt you. You are not alone and I can help, together I will help […]