What is The Grief Recovery Method?

What exactly is The Grief Recovery Method and how is it any different from other Grief Support programs? With so many programs and self-help books out there, it is so difficult to find which program is the right one. While I cannot say what is right or wrong for you, I can share my experience […]

Broken Hearted on Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day often triggers sadness and pain about a loved one that died, a relationship that changed or ended, or a love they wish they had. That’s NORMAL. Feelings of grief are just as valid as emotions of love. Sadly most of us weren’t taught how to recover from heartbreak, or how to walk through […]

Are you sticking with your resolution?

Well are you? It starts out so well. You’re so determined, and you wake up every day and make a firm commitment to meet your goals. Whether it’s quitting smoking, drinking, gambling, or losing weight. It works for awhile then, without noticing, you start making excuses and go back to your old behaviors, don’t you? […]

How to Help Someone Who’s Grieving this Holiday

The Holiday season can be a festive time for many but there’s another group of people who don’t feel joy. Those people are grievers. Often the normal holiday traditions remind people of what they wish was different, such as better or more in their relationships that changed or ended.  It could be the first Christmas […]

Holiday Grief Tips

The holiday season is the biggest impetus to elicit memories and feelings about important people in our lives who have died or who are no longer present at our holiday celebrations and rituals because of divorce or other estrangements. For most people, the first holiday season after a death or a divorce is the most […]