Can their be Grief if there is no Death?

Something that I have heard many times is something that sounds like: “But how can I be grieving when no one has died?” Grief is not defined by death as there are many types of loss. Loss of a loved one, friend, or pet can certainly cause that heavy concrete death that so many associate […]

When Is A Good Time To Do Grief Work?

There is a common question that I hear often asked. When is a good time for me to start The Grief Recovery Method? This answer is different for everyone, it really depends on the loss that you’ve experienced and when you have the willingness to begin this recovery method. There are many messages, books, and […]

Grief is not only about Death

It’s crucial to know that feelings of grief aren’t only the result of death, because if people don’t know they are experiencing grief, then they might not find the tools they need to recover. Did you know there are over 40 other life events that you could experience that would cause feelings of grief? Grief […]

Holding onto pain?

Have you become good at holding onto pain? Many of us have had adverse childhood experiences that may have resulted in unresolved loss-of-trust issues, neglect, emotional abandonment, divorce, abuse, and the list goes on.  Many of us continue to drag the unresolved pain from our past relationships (in our childhood), into all of our new […]

Grief is not just about death!

Grief is the normal and natural emotional reaction to any change in your familiar behavior patterns. Think about all the different changes that may be affecting your life. A change in an ongoing relationship, a move, a change in employment, a change in health – these are just a very few of the many things […]